1. Since you are new to the audience, who are The Vistoso Bosses and what should we expect from you?
Vistoso Bosses are Taylah.p and Kelci. Two girls that aren't afraid to be themselves and want to show that idea to the world. We want to be role models - good role models. We want to make music that people can understand, relate to and feel. We've always loved the spotlight and now we are finally getting the chance to live out our dreams together! You can expect some really new, fresh, different music. Different looks! A lot of positive things! We actually have a ton of things we are coming up with on our own from clothing to make up. It’s going to be really exciting!
2. This may be a clichéd question, but I will ask simply because of your style, who or what are your musical influences?
Everything around us influences us not just music. We like skateboarding, fashion, art and other artists like Tyga and MIA. If we had to pick just one influence it would be our own family because almost everyone in our family has some kind of musical talent. We were just pretty much born into it!
3. So, from my understanding, your MySpace page is quite popular and you are very engaging through The UYL, Ultimate Young Lady. Could you explain what this is and why it’s important?
UYL means Ultimate Young Lady, which is a sorority that we started that came from blogging about a real life situation that then it turned into a song and then into a sorority. UYL is basically a loyal friend that doesn't hate, nor get jealous at other friends – no catty behavior. The UYL motto is "No faking, No hatin, No ex-boyfriend dating." We mean it! "The ultimate positive role model". Someone who carries their self well. UYL is very important to us mainly because we can connect with our fans. A lot of girls out there need someone to look up to or are searching for something that they can get involved with that other girls are in too, something to make them feel confident about their self. UYL for us is mainly to show that girls rock and that they can be themselves no matter what.
4. If there was anything you could change about the music industry, what would it be?
Vistoso Bosses will bring change and so will other artists because music is always changing.
5. What is it about The Vistoso Bosses that you would like the world to know about?
We want the world to know about Vistoso Bosses that we're unique and very talented writers. Very creative teenagers. We have a new sound and new energy to music. That's why we will have the world saying Vee.eye.es.tee.oh.es.oh have the whole world screaming out Vistosoooooo!
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